A 5GHz 370fsrms 6.5mW clock multiplier using a crystal-oscillator frequency quadrupler in 65nm CMOS

Phase noise performance of ring-oscillator-based (RO-based) clock multipliers is typically limited by oscillator noise. The most power-efficient method for improving the phase noise of such clock multipliers is by increasing the oscillator noise suppression bandwidth (FBW). While FBW depends on the type of clock multiplier, the maximum achievable FBW is limited by the reference frequency (Fref). For instance, in phase-locked loops (PLLs) FBW = Fref/10, while multiplying delay-locked loops (MDLLs) [1] and injection-locked clock multipliers (ILCMs) [2] can achieve FBW of Fref/4 and Fref/6, respectively. Exploiting this behavior, the MDLL in [1] and the ILCM in [2] achieved excellent performance at the expense of using a high-frequency low-noise reference (REF) clock and a small multiplication factor (N < 10). One promising way to reduce Fref in MDLLs/ILCMs involves increasing the injection rate by using both the positive and negative edges of the REF clock [3, 4] but at the cost of making jitter/spurious performance susceptible to duty cycle errors in the REF clock. While [3] demonstrated an effective means to correct such errors, it still needed a relatively high Fref of 125MHz. In view of this, we present a method to quadruple the frequency of a conventional 54MHz Pierce XO and demonstrate its application using an RO-based ILCM achieving less than 370fsrms integrated jitter at a 5GHz output. The proposed quadrupler acts as a low noise XO frequency multiplier and can be used to increase the bandwidth of MDLLs and ring/LC-based integer-or fractional-N PLLs also.