Enso Extremes and Diversity: Dynamics, Teleconnections, and Impacts

s, full report, participants list, and most presentations can be found at www.climatescience.org .au/content/806-enso-workshop-australia-2015. This workshop contributes to the objectives of CLIVAR of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and to the interests of the International Commission on Climate (ICCL) of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS)/International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). 1972 NOVEMBER 2015 | BEST SELLER! “ Here before you is the complete guide to writing a good scientific paper.... Prepare to absorb what may prove the most valuable advice you will receive as a scientist.” — from the Foreword by Prof. Kerry Emanuel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Eloquent Science: A Practical Guide to Becoming a Better Writer, Speaker, and Atmospheric Scientist DAVID M. SCHULTZ A MUSTHAVE! What started out as a communications workshop for undergrads in atmospheric science evolved into a book that would benefit scientists at any stage in their careers. Drawing on Schultz’s experience as a journal editor and prolific writer, the insights of his colleagues, and the best advice from hundreds of sources, this must-have reference includes: n Tips for writing and reviewing scientific papers and a peek into the operations of the publishers of scientific journals n Guidance on creating and delivering effective scientific presentations n Experts’ advice on citing others’ work, critiquing scientific papers, communicating with the media, and more LIST $45 MEMBER $30 © 2009, PAPERBACK, 440 PAGES, ISBN 13: 978-1-878220-91-2, AMS CODE: ESCI O R D E R T O D A Y ! ONLINE AMS BOOKSTORE www.ametsoc.org/amsbookstore OR use the order form in this magazine half-page horizontal -6.5” x 4.5625”: Final