Observations of Cumulene Carbenes,H2CCCC and H2CCC,in TMC-1

Attention is given to the carbon chain molecule H2CCCC, detected in the dark cloud TMC-1 for the first time in the course of a molecular line survey using the Nobeyama 45-m telescope. From nine transitions observed in the frequency region of 17-45 GHz, the total column density of H2CCCC in TMC-1 is derived to be 7.5(+/-2.0) x 10 exp 12/sq cm, which is about half of the value reported in IRC + 10216. Five transitions of a related carbon chain molecule, H2CCC, were also detected in TMC-1. The column density of H2CCC obtained in TMC-1, 2.8(+/-0.9) x 10 exp 12/sq cm, is a factor of three smaller than that of H2CCCC. The ortho-to-para abundance ratios of H2CCCC and H2CCC were found to be 4.2 +/-1.5 and 5.9 +/-2.0, respectively. The chemical reactions of these carbon-chain molecules in dark clouds are discussed.