Hotspots and Mantle Plumes' Some Phenomenology

The available data, mainly topography, geoid, and heat flow, describing hotspots worldwide are examined to constrain the mechanisms for swell uplift and to obtain fluxes and excess temperatures of mantle plumes. Swell uplift is caused mainly by excess temperatures that move with the lithosphere plate and to a lesser extent hot asthenosphere near the hotspot. The volume, heat, and buoyancy fluxes of hotspots are computed from the cross-sectional areas of swells, the shapes of noses of swells, and, for on ridge hotspots, the amount of ascending material needed to supply the length of ridge axis which has abnormally high elevation and thick crust. The buoyancy fluxes range over a factor of 20 with Hawaii, 8.7 Mg s -1, the largest. The buoyancy flux for Iceland is 1.4 Mg s -1 which is similar to the flux of Cape Verde. The excess temperature of both on-ridge and off-ridge hotspots is around the 200oC value inferred from petrology but is not tightly constrained by geophysical considerations. This observation, the similarity of the fluxes of on-ridge and offridge plumes, and the tendency for hotspots to cross the ridge indicate that similar plumes are likely to cause both types of hotspots. The buoyancy fluxes of 37 hotspots are estimated; the global buoyancy flux is 50 Mg s -1, which is equivalent to a globally averaged surface heat flow of 4 mWm -2 from core sources and would cool the core at a rate of 50 o C b.y. -1. Based on a thermal model and the assumption that the likelihood of subduction is independent of age, most of the heat from hotspots is implaced in the lower lithosphere and later subducted. I.NTRODUCWION ridge plumes using Iceland as an example. The geometry of flow implied by the assumed existence of a low viscosity Linear seamount chains, such as the Hawaiian Islands, are asthenospheric channel is illustrated by this exercise. Then the frequently attributed to mantle plumes which ascend from deep methods for obtaining the flux of plumes on a rapidly moving in the Earth, perhaps the core-mantle boundary. The excessive plate are discussed with Hawaii as an example. These methods volcanism of on-ridge hotspots, such as Iceland, is also often involve determining the flux from the plume from the crossattributed to plumes. If on-ridge and midplate hotspots are sectional area of the swell and taking advantage of the kinematreally manifestations of the same phenomenon, one would ics of the interaction of asthenospheric flow away from the expect that the temperature and flux of the upwelling material plume and asthenospheric flow induced by the drag of the would be similar under both features. In particular, the core- lithospheric plate. The methods for extending this approach to mantle boundary is expected to be nearly isothermal so that the hotspots on slowly moving plates are then discussed which Cape temperature of plumes ascending from the basal boundary layer Verde as an example. An estimate of the global mass and heat should be the same globally provided that cooling by entrain- transfer by plumes is then obtained by applying the methods to ment of nearby material and thermal conduction are minor. 34 additional hotspots. The magnitude of this total estimated Finally, the global heat loss from plumes should imply a reason- flux is compatible with the heat flux expected from cooling the

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