Low complexity concatenated coding schemes for digital satellite communications

A study of reduced complexity concatenated coding schemes, for commercial digital satellite systems with low-cost earth terminals, is reported. The study explored trade-offs between coding gain, overall rate and decoder complexity, and compared concatenated schemes with single codes. It concentrated on short block and constraint length inner codes, with soft decision decoding, concatenated with a range of Reed-Solomon outer codes. The dimension of the inner code was matched to the outer code symbol size, and appropriate interleaving between the inner and outer codes was used. Very useful coding gains were achieved with relatively high-rate, low-complexity schemes. For example, concatenating the soft decision decoded (9,8) single parity check inner code with the CCSDS recommended standard Reed-Solomon outer code gives a coding gain of 4.8dB at a bit error probability of 10−5, with an overall rate of 0-78.