Organs without Bodies: Deleuze and Consequences
Introduction Deleuze 1. Deleuze The Reality of the Virtual Becoming versus History "Becoming-Machine" Un jour, peut-etre, le siecle sera empiriomoniste? Quasi Cause Is It Possible Not to Love Spinoza? Kant, Hegel Hegel 1: Taking Deleuze from Behind Hegel 2: From Epistemology to Ontology.and back Hegel 3: the Minimal Difference The Torsion of Meaning A Comic Hegelian Interlude: Dumb and Dumber Toward an Oedipal Deleuze Phallus Fantasy RIS On the Permanent Actuality for Revolutionary Cultural Politics of President Mao Ze Dong's Slogan "Long Live the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" Consequences 1. Science: Cognitivism with Freud "Autopoiesis" Memes, Memes Everywhere Against Hyphen-Ethics Cognitive Closure "Little Jolts of Enjoyment" 2. Art: The Talking Heads Kino-Eye Hitchcock as Anti-Plato The Cut of the Gaze When the Fantasy Falls Apart "I, the Truth, am Speaking" Beyond Morality 3. Politics: The Ongoing "Soft Revolution" A Yuppie Reading Deleuze Micro-Fascisms Netocracy Blows against the Empire The Liberal How to Live with Catastrophes? A Modest Proposal for an Act in the Middle East Index