Implementing a US carbon tax : challenges and debates
1. Carbon Taxes as Part of the Fiscal Solution 2. Choosing among Mitigation Instruments: How Strong is the Case for a US Carbon Tax? 3. Administration of a US Carbon Tax 4. Carbon Taxes to Achieve Emissions Targets - Insights from EMF 24 5. Macroeconomic Effects of Carbon Taxes 6. The Distributional Burden of a Carbon Tax: Evidence and Implications for Policy 7. Offsetting a Carbon Tax's Burden on Low-Income Households 8. Carbon Taxes and Corporate Tax Reform 9. Carbon Taxes and Energy Intensive Trade Exposed Industries: Impacts and Options 10. The Role of Energy Technology Policy Alongside Carbon Pricing 11. Mixing It Up: Power Sector Energy and Regional and Regulatory Climate Policies in the Presence of a Carbon Tax 12. Implications of Carbon Taxes for Transportation Policies 13. Comparing Countries' Climate Mitigation Efforts in a Post-Kyoto World