Use of an Upland Pine Forest by the Star-Nosed Mole, Condylura Cristata

The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a semi-aquatic insectivore, cornmanly found near marshy areas and streams (Hamilton, 1931; Petersen and Yates, 1980; Webster et al., 1985). We report two captures of star-nosed moles from a xeric, upland pine forest more than 500 m from the nearest persistent source of water. Both captures occurred during rainy nights, suggesting that star-nosed moles use rain events as opportunities for dispersal through upland habitats. We captured star-nosed moles on 22 April and 17 July 1998 in a loblolly-pine (Pinus taeda) plantation at the Savannah River Site National Environmental Research Park (SRS; 33”20’N, 81”31’W) in the Upper Coastal Plain Province of South Carolina. The forest in which the moles were captured was approximately 45 yr old, with sparse midand under-story vegetative cover. Both natural and planted pine forests dominated the upland habitats at the SRS (Workman and McLeod, 1990). Soils were sandy and well-drained; leaf-litter consisted exclusively of pine leaves. Moles were captured with arrays of drift-fences and pitfall traps that were monitored daily over the periods 3 April to 9 May and 3 to 17. July 1998. Other insectivores captured in this forest included the southern short-tailed shrew (Blarina carolinensis), southeastern shrew (Sorex Zongirostris), and least shrew (Cryptotis parwa). We did not capture the eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus), though it is present at the study area (Cothran et al., 1991). Distances between capture locations and water sources were calculated using an ArcView geographic information system and geographic databases of SRS. Moles were captured 5 15 and 805 m from the nearest marsh, 810 and 880 m from the nearest stream, and 3,320 and 2,295 m from the nearest pond, respectively. Distance between the captures was 2,120 m.