On the Nature of Foam. VI. Emulsion and Foam Formation of Ternary System, Ethyl Alcohol-Ethyl Ester-Water

(1) The mutual solubility curve, tie-lines and the foam stability of homogeneous and heterogeneous system of ethyl alcohol-ethyl ether-water (EEW) were measured. The diagram was established to show the relation between the foam stability and the composition. It shows two maxima of foam stability, one of which is situated along the mutual solubility curve, and the other is on the line of ethyl alcohol-water. The former is more remarkable in its magnitude than the latter as in the system of acetic acid-ethyl ether-water (AEW). The diagram shows the third maximum of foam stability but it is uncertain. (2) Heterogeneous system of EEW is divided into three portions referring to the type of emulsion produced by shaking, namely, W-in-O region, O-in-W region and phase inversion zone. In W-in-O or O-in-W region, a system simply produces W-in-O or O-in-W emulsion respectively, whatever the modes of shaking, while in the phase inversion zone, a system occasionally produces both types of emulsion according to the two...