Emotion in organizations

Emotional Arenas Revisited - Stephen Fineman PART ONE: EMOTIONAL TEXTURES Narratives of Compassion in Organizations - Peter J Frost et al Feelings at Work - Lloyd E Sandelands and Connie J Boudens Relational Experiences and Emotion at Work - Vincent R Waldron Emotion Metaphors in Management - Kathleen J Krone and Jayne M Morgan The Chinese Experience PART TWO: APPROPRIATING AND ORGANIZING EMOTION Commodifying the Emotionally Intelligent - Stephen Fineman Bounded Emotionally in the Body Shop - Joanne Martin and Kathy Knopoff and Christine Beckman Aesthetic Symbols as Emotional Clues - Varda Wasserman, Anat Rafaeli and Avi Kluger PART THREE: WORKING WITH EMOTION If Emotions Were Honoured - Debra E Meyerson A Cultural Analysis Emotional Labour and Authenticity - Blake E Ashforth and Marc A Tomiuk Views from Service Agents Ambivalent Feelings in Organizational Relationships - Michael G Pratt and Lorna Doucet A Detective's Lot - Robert Jackall Contours of Morality and Emotion in Police Work How Children Manage Emotion at School - Gillian Bendelow and Berry Mayall Emotions and Injustice in the Workplace - Karen P Harlos and Craig C Pinder PART FIVE: EPILOGUE Concluding Reflections - Stephen Fineman