Neural Nets: Applications in Geography
Looks and Uses B.C. Hewitson, R.G. Crane. Neural Networks and Their Applications E.E. Clothiaux, C.M. Bachmann. Neuroclassification of Spatial Data S. Openshaw. Self-Organizing Maps - Application to Census Data K. Winter, B.C. Hewitson. Predicting Snowfall from Synoptic Circulation - a Comparison of Linear Regression and Neural Network Methodologies D.L. McGinnis. Neural Computing and the AIDS Pandemic - the Case of Ohio P.G. Gould. Precipitation Controls in Southern Mexico B.C. Hewitson, R.G. Crane. Classification of Arctic Cloud and Sea Ice Features in Multi-Spectral Satellite Data J.R. Key. Appendices: Neural Network Resources Fortran 77 Listing for Kohonen Self-Organizing Map.