We address the problem of generalizing temporal data concerning durations extracted from relational data- bases. Our approach is based on a domain generMiza- tion graph that defines a partial order specifying the generalization relations for a duration attribute. This domain generalization graph is reusable (i.e., can be used to generalize any duration attribute), adaptable {i.e., can be extended or restricted as appropriate for particular applications), and transportable (i.e., can be used with any database containing a duration at- tribute). In this paper, we propose a method for generalizing a duration attribute using domain generalization graphs; in a companion paper (14), we address the problem of generalizing calendar attributes. We define a do- main generalization graph (6) for duration attributes by explicitly identifying the domains appropriate for the relevant levels of temporal granularity and the map- pings between the values in these domains. Generaliza- tion is performed by transforming values in one domain to another, according to directed arcs in the domain generalization graph. Our goal is to specify a domain generalization graph for the duration attribute that is reusable (i.e., can be used to generalize any duration at- tribute), adaptable (i.e., can be extended or restricted as appropriate for particular applications), and trans- portable (i.e., can be used with any database containing a duration attribute). Given the duration domain gen- eralization graph and a duration attribute, our method creates a high-level map of the distinct, nontrivially dif- ferent possible summaries. Each summary is based on a different way of generalizing or a different level of time granularity. This map can be used as the basis for fur- ther automatic data mining or presented to the user, who then can choose summaries t.o examine in more detail.
Howard J. Hamilton,et al.
Generalization for calendar attributes using domain generalization graphs
Proceedings. Fifth International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (Cat. No.98EX157).
J. Euzenat.
An algebraic approach to granularity in time representation
Johann Gamper.
A temporal reasoning and abstraction framework for model-based diagnosis systems
Sushil Jajodia,et al.
A general framework and reasoning models for time granularity
Proceedings Third International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME '96).
Nick Cercone,et al.
Parallel Knowledge Discovery Using Domain Generalization Graphs
Jiawei Han,et al.
Data-Driven Discovery of Quantitative Rules in Relational Databases
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SQL Extension for Interval Data
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng..