Hydrophobia—A Further Precaution

IT may be taken as an accepted fact that mongrels are more liable to rabies than well-bred dogs, both from the ill-treatment they commonly receive, and from the unnatural mingling of species that has led to their production. Statistics show that over 90 per cent. of mad dogs are retrievers, or animals so-called. In addition to these two points, it can be safely maintained that no kind of dog gives birth to so many mongrels as the retriever. Pointers, setters, terriers, and hounds will not readily breed from dogs of another class, but the reverse is true of the retriever, and the result is the production of a horrible progeny that ought to be immediately destroyed. Owners of a kennel of sporting dogs are constantly subjected to the annoyance of one of their true-bred retrievers having a litter of pups that only resemble retrievers in their coats. I would therefore suggest that the Retriever Stud Book should be kept by a Government official, and that all owners of retrievers should be obliged to send notice to him when a litter arrived; and that the police should be empowered to destroy any retriever whose owner was not provided with a certificate of registration. A few inspectors of litters could travel the country, and at a cost of a few hundreds a year prevent the development of countless mongrels—valueless for sporting purposes, hideous to look at, and sure promoters of canine madness.