Compensatory and orienting eye movements induced by off-vertical axis rotation (OVAR) in monkeys.

Nystagmus induced by off-vertical axis rotation (OVAR) about a head yaw axis is composed of a yaw bias velocity and modulations in eye position and velocity as the head changes orientation relative to gravity. The bias velocity is dependent on the tilt of the rotational axis relative to gravity and angular head velocity. For axis tilts <15 degrees, bias velocities increased monotonically with increases in the magnitude of the projected gravity vector onto the horizontal plane of the head. For tilts of 15-90 degrees, bias velocity was independent of tilt angle, increasing linearly as a function of head velocity with gains of 0.7-0.8, up to the saturation level of velocity storage. Asymmetries in OVAR bias velocity and asymmetries in the dominant time constant of the angular vestibuloocular reflex (aVOR) covaried and both were reduced by administration of baclofen, a GABA(B) agonist. Modulations in pitch and roll eye positions were in phase with nose-down and side-down head positions, respectively. Changes in roll eye position were produced mainly by slow movements, whereas vertical eye position changes were characterized by slow eye movements and saccades. Oscillations in vertical and roll eye velocities led their respective position changes by approximately 90 degrees, close to an ideal differentiation, suggesting that these modulations were due to activation of the orienting component of the linear vestibuloocular reflex (lVOR). The beating field of the horizontal nystagmus shifted the eyes 6.3 degrees /g toward gravity in side down position, similar to the deviations observed during static roll tilt (7.0 degrees /g). This demonstrates that the eyes also orient to gravity in yaw. Phases of horizontal eye velocity clustered ~180 degrees relative to the modulation in beating field and were not simply differentiations of changes in eye position. Contributions of orientating and compensatory components of the lVOR to the modulation of eye position and velocity were modeled using three components: a novel direct otolith-oculomotor orientation, orientation-based velocity modulation, and changes in velocity storage time constants with head position re gravity. Time constants were obtained from optokinetic after-nystagmus, a direct representation of velocity storage. When the orienting lVOR was combined with models of the compensatory lVOR and velocity estimator from sequential otolith activation to generate the bias component, the model accurately predicted eye position and velocity in three dimensions. These data support the postulates that OVAR generates compensatory eye velocity through activation of velocity storage and that oscillatory components arise predominantly through lVOR orientation mechanisms.

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