Trisomy 3 confined placental mosaicism: A management dilemma

membranes, it was never low enough to warrant delivery. She had heavy vaginal bleeding at 28 weeks and at laparotomy, the lower segment was replaced by placenta percreta with no myometrial covering. The placenta had not penetrated any adjacent viscera. The baby was delivered by a high uterine incision, the uterus closed and a total abdominal hysterectomy was done with the placenta in situ. She had a 1,500 ml blood loss and was transfused three units. She recovered well and was discharged on the 6th day. Histology confirmed a placenta percreta. The baby boy weighed 865 g and plotted on the 9th centile on the boys UK World Health Organization Neonatal and Infant Close Monitoring Growth Chart. Though bradycardic at birth, possibly due to a combination of prematurity and hypoxia from the heavy maternal bleeding, the baby was resuscitated and was on the special care baby unit for 10 weeks. The baby is on long-term follow-up by the paediatricians for the monitoring of lung and neurodevelopmental function.