Generalized Intersection Over Union: A Metric and a Loss for Bounding Box Regression

Intersection over Union (IoU) is the most popular evaluation metric used in the object detection benchmarks. However, there is a gap between optimizing the commonly used distance losses for regressing the parameters of a bounding box and maximizing this metric value. The optimal objective for a metric is the metric itself. In the case of axis-aligned 2D bounding boxes, it can be shown that IoU can be directly used as a regression loss. However, IoU has a plateau making it infeasible to optimize in the case of non-overlapping bounding boxes. In this paper, we address the this weakness by introducing a generalized version of IoU as both a new loss and a new metric. By incorporating this generalized IoU ( GIoU) as a loss into the state-of-the art object detection frameworks, we show a consistent improvement on their performance using both the standard, IoU based, and new, GIoU based, performance measures on popular object detection benchmarks such as PASCAL VOC and MS COCO.

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