Automatic milking system and their chances in the Czech Republic.

ICAR Technical Series No 7 Two stables for 300 dairy cows were compared in model, one with milking in herringbone milking parlour 2 x 12 with rapid exit and automated data collection and the second equipped for milking by two AMS LEONARDO. The costs of stable with milking in milking parlour including milking parlour and milk store room are by 7% higher than similar costs for stable with milking in AMS. In contrast to this the costs for technical equipment of stable are by 185% higher in stable with milking in AMS than those in stable with milking parlour. The highest share of the increased costs represents the AMS price, which is by 361% higher than price of milking parlour. Total investment costs of stable for 300 dairy cows with milking in AMS are by 17.35 mil. CZK (i.e. by 62.6%) higher than those of stable with milking parlour. These costs are then shown in total operational costs of stable and costs per production of 1 litre of milk so that total annual costs on farm for 300 dairy cows with milking in AMS are under similar conditions by 9.9% higher in comparison with identical farm but with milking in milking parlour. In comparison of the both milking systems is necessary to take into account, that at 3-time daily frequency of milking there was reached same effect of milk yield increase as at voluntary milking in AMS. A certain problem seems to be deterioration of reproduction parameters in consequence of milking increased frequency. Due to change into 3-time daily milking the conception has deteriorated (insemination index has increased by 0.4), the interval has extended by 18.1 days and service period has increased by 6.3 days.