Steam generator tube integrity program
Abstract The degradation of steam generator tubes in pressurized water nuclear reactors continues to be a serious problem, and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is developing a performance-based rule and regulatory guide for steam generator tube integrity. To support the evaluation of industry-proposed implementation of these performance-based criteria, the NRC is sponsoring a new research program at Argonne National Laboratory on steam generator tubing degradation. The objective of the new program is to provide the necessary experimental data and predictive correlations and models that will permit the NRC to independently evaluate the integrity of steam generator tubes. The technical work in the program is divided into four tasks, (1) assessment of inspection reliability, (2) research on in-service inspection technology, (3) research on degradation modes and integrity, (4) development of methodology and technical assessments for current and emerging regulatory issues. The objectives of and planned research activities under each of these four tasks are described here.