1. (Y) for all non-negative, non-decreasing convex functions φ (X is convexly smaller than Y) if and only if, for all . 2. Let H be the Hardy–Littlewood maximal function HY (x) = E(Y – X | Y > x). Then HY (Y) is the smallest random variable exceeding stochastically all random variables convexly smaller than Y. 3. Let X 1 X 2 · ·· Xn be random variables with given marginal distributions, let I 1, I 2, ···, Ik be arbitrary non-empty subsets of {1,2, ···, n} and let M = max (M is the completion time of a PERT network with paths Ij , and delay times Xi .) The paper introduces a computation of the convex supremum of M in the class of all joint distributions of the Xi 's with specified marginals, and of the ‘bottleneck probability' of each path.
H. Robbins,et al.
A class of dependent random variables and their maxima
Lester E. Dubins,et al.
On the distribution of maxima of martingales
J. Sethuraman,et al.
Schur Functions in Statistics I. The Preservation Theorem
Pierre N. Robillard,et al.
The Completion Time of PERT Networks
Oper. Res..
Isaac Meilijson,et al.
On Stability for Optimization Problems
J. Littlewood,et al.
A maximal theorem with function-theoretic applications