Stage I Recovery of Molybdenum Irradiated at 4.2 °K with Electrons of Different Energies

Results are given, which were obtained during the Stage I recovery of molybdenum samples that were irradiated with electrons of different energies. Together with previously obtained data, they are compared with the existing theory of the analogous recovery of f.c.c. metals. It is concluded that a new defect type is needed in order to explain the main recovery step at 40°K. Requirements which the defect has to meet, are listed and in an appendix a very temptative proposal of such a new defect is made. Le recuit de Stade I de molybdene apres irradiation aux electrons est etudie en fonction d'energie des electrons. En comparant les resultats obtenus a la theorie sur le recuit analogue des metaux c.f.c. on arrive a la conclusion qu'il faut un nouveau type de defaut pour expliquer le pic situe a 40 °K. Quelques proprietes de ce defaut sont enumerees et dans une annexe on fait une tentative de description d'un tel defaut.