Executing Entity Matching End to End: A Case Study

Entity matching (EM) identifies data instances that refer to the same real-world entity. Numerous EM works have covered a wide spectrum, from developing new EM algorithms to scaling them to building EM systems. But there has been very little if any published work on how EM is carried out in practice, end to end. In this paper we describe in detail a case study of applying EM to a particular domain end to end (i.e., going from the raw data all the way to the matches). Specifically, we describe a real-world application for EM in the science policy research community. We describe how our team (the EM team) interact with the science policy team to carry out the EM process, using PyMatcher, a state-of-the-art EM system developed in theMagellan project at UW-Madison. We highlight the communication between the two teams and the zig-zag nature of the EM process. We identify a set of challenges that we believe arise inmany real-world EM projects but that current EM systems have either ignored or are not even aware of. Finally, we provide all data underlying this case study, including labeled tuple pairs and documentation supplied by the science policy team, to serve as a good challenge problem for EM researchers.

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