Creation and Destruction of X 3− Centres in Alkali Halides by X‐Radiation

The production (η ) and destruction efficiencies of X−3 centres in NaCl, KCl, KBr, and KI by X-radiation versus the irradiation temperature (in the range of 80 to 320 K) are investigated by optical absorption and thermoluminescence methods. Both, the increase (80 to 150 K) and decrease (200 to 250 K) of η in KBr and KI at the adsorbed dose of 1019 to 1021 eV cm−3 are shown to be in correlation with the F-centre creation efficiency (ηF). In chlorides ηF does not decrease with ηX−3 and these crystals are characterized by a high defect creation efficiency at approximately room temperatures. It is supposed that the creation of large halogen aggregates is much more efficient in chlorides than in bromides and iodides. [Russian Text Ignored].