Modern communications equipment is highly modular and can scale to a wide range of applications. Usually, the equipment's cost and complexity requires that it be manufactured to order, or at least assembled-to-order. In this context, orders double as specifications, describing what should be manufactured as well as how the product should be installed. Producing a correct and complete order for such equipment can be challenging when requirements are incomplete, inconsistent, or when the final product is large and complicated. A good order is technically correct and meets customer requirements for network capacity and growth without over-engineering. Incomplete configurations can lead to cost overruns if the missing elements are discovered during manufacturing. If they are not, faulty products can result. Either way, the customers are unhappy. We have tackled the configuration problem for a number of large telecommunications products. Our Prose configurators are based on CLASSIC, a description logic-based knowledge representation system. We have found it to be well suited to our configurator needs. Because it attempts to provide predictable performance in all cases, CLASSIC is less expressive than many description logic systems, but it has been widely used in both industrial applications and academic systems. Some of our configurators have been in use since 1990. They have processed more than $4.5 billion in orders and have documented many benefits, including reduced order processing time, reduced staffing, and product-knowledge consistency checking.
Deborah L. McGuinness,et al.
Conceptual modelling for configuration: A description logic-based approach
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing.
Jon R. Wright,et al.
A Knowledge-Based Configurator that Supports Sales, Engineering, and Manufacturing at AT&T Network Systems
AI Mag..
Deborah L. McGuinness,et al.
Explaining Subsumption in Description Logics
Jon R. Wright,et al.
Classic and prose stories: Enabling technologies for knowledge-based systems
AT&T Technical Journal.
Ronald J. Brachman,et al.
An overview of the KL-ONE Knowledge Representation System
Robert A. Weida,et al.
Closed Terminologies in Description Logics
AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1.
Ronald J. Brachman,et al.
What IS-A Is and Isn't: An Analysis of Taxonomic Links in Semantic Networks
Yolanda Gil,et al.
Explicit Representations of Problem-Solving Strategies to Support Knowledge Acquisition
AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1.
John F. Sowa,et al.
Principles of semantic networks
Deborah L. McGuinness,et al.
CLASSIC: a structural data model for objects
Deborah L. McGuinness,et al.
Explaining reasoning in description logics
Deborah L. McGuinness,et al.
Description Logic in Practice: A CLASSIC Application