Implementation of MTCA.4-based Controls for the Pulsed Optical Synchronization Systems at DESY

With the current state of the synchronization system at FLASH (Free-electron Laser in Hamburg) the arrival time between electron bunches and optical laser pulses can be synchronized to a level of 30 fs rms, e.g. for pump-probe experiments. In the course of the development of an upscaled system for the European XFEL and the migration of control hardware to the modern MTCA.4 (Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture) platform, all involved components of the system will be replaced with new developments. The front-end devices are upgraded. FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) are performing the data processing and feedback calculations. In order to facilitate the firmware development, a toolset (Rapid-X) was established which allows application engineers to develop, simulate, and generate their code without help from FPGA experts in a simple and efficient way. A software tool kit (MTCA4U) provides drivers and tools for direct register access e.g. via Matlab or Python and a control system adapter, which allows the server applications to be written control system independent. In this paper, an overview on the synchronization setups and their upgrades as well as an introduction to the new hardware is given. The Rapid-X and MTCA4U tool kits are presented followed by a status report on the implementation of the new developments.