The Descent of Mind: Psychological Perspectives on Hominid Evolution
1: M.C. Corballis, and S.E.G. Lea: Are Humans Special? a history of psychological perspectives 2: S.E.G. Lea: The Background to Hominid intelligence 3: M.C. Corballis: Phylogeny from Apes to Humans 4: R.W. Byrne: Human Cognitive Evolution 5: M.J. Beran, K.R. Gibson, and D.M. Rumbaugh: Predicting Hominid Intelligence from Brain Size 6: J.E. King, D.M. Rumbaugh, and E.S. Savage Rumbaugh: Perception of Personality Traits and Semantic Learning in Evolving Hominids 7: P.F. MacNeilage: Whatever Happened to Articulate Speech? 8: M. Donald: Preconditions for the Evolution of Protolanguages 9: S. Goldin-Meadow and D. McNeill: The Role of Gesture and Mimetic Representation in Making Language the Province of Speech 10: A. Whiten: The Evolution of Deep Social Mind in Humans 11: I.C. McManus: Handedness, Cerebral Lateralization, and the Evolution of Language 12: T. Suddendorf: The Rise of the Metamind 13: S. Baron-Cohen: The Evolution of a Theory of Mind 14: D. Kelemen: Beliefs About Purpose: On the Origins of Teleological Thought 15: P. Bloom: The Evolution of Certain Novel Human Capacities 16: D. Thiessen: Social Influences on Human Assortative Mating 17: A. Lock: On the Recent Origin of Symbolically-Mediated Language and its Implications for Psychological Science.