Comparisons of thick-target bremsstrahlung calculations by EGS4/PRESTA and ITS version 2.1

Abstract Two Monte Carlo codes, EGS4/PRESTA and ITS version 2.1, have been used to calculate spectral distributions of bremsstrahlung and annihilation quanta in 10–30 MV beams from thick targets of Be, Al, and Pb. Spectra are absolute (photons per incident electron) and calculated in 44 annular regions of 1° widths, covering all angles. It was found necessary to do ITS calculations using shortened sub-step sizes for electrons near the target surface to remove a 30–40% error in the angular distribution of bremsstrahlung at small angles that occurs when using default sub-step sizes. The EGS calculations were done using the enhancement which randomly samples the bremsstrahlung angle from an appropriate distribution and giving due consideration to K-shell X-rays. A survey is done of the remaining discrepencies in the spectral distributions of fluence, the total fluence and the mean energies of each spectrum. In general, EGS and ITS agree to ±20% for fluence and ±5% for mean energy. Results are compared to a set of high-precision measurements of absolute thick-target bremsstrahlung spectra used previously to show that EGS is reliable to ±10% for fluence and ±2% for mean energy. The measurements did not clearly identify a strong preferance towards either EGS or ITS.