In this preliminary investigation, a two wavelength optical polarimetric system was used to show the potential of the approach to be used as an in vivo noninvasive glucose monitor. The dual wavelength method is shown as a means of overcoming two of them ore important problems with this approach for glucose monitoring, namely, motion artifact and the presence of other optically chiral components. The use of polarized light is based on the fact that the polarization vector of the light rotates when it interacts with an optically active material such as glucose. The amount of rotation of the light polarization is directly proportional to the optically active molecular concentration and to the sample path length. The end application of this system would be to estimate blood glucose concentrations indirectly by measuring the amount of rotation of the light beam's polarization state due to glucose variations within the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber of the eye. The system was evaluated in vitro in the presence of motion artifact and in combination with albumin, another interfering optical rotatory chemical component. It was shown that the dual wavelength approach has potential for overcoming these problems.
M. Fox,et al.
Noninvasive optical polarimetric glucose sensing using a true phase measurement technique
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
Gerard L. Coté,et al.
Noninvasive Optical Glucose Sensing — An Overview
W. March,et al.
Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring of the Aqueous Humor of the Eye: Part II. Animal Studies and the Scleral Lens
Diabetes Care.
David A Cough.
The Composition and Optical Rotary Dispersion of Bovine Aqueous Humor
Diabetes Care.
W. March,et al.
Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring of the Aqueous Humor of the Eye: Part I. Measurement of Very Small Optical Rotations
Diabetes Care.