Oversea distribution automation system based on Japanese experiences

Outage time in Japan is the shortest in the world because Japanese power utilities have applied Distribution Automation System (DAS) in whole area. TMT&D developed and supplied DAS using computer from 20 years ago and have been supplying DAS in Japan and in oversea countries. Therefore, we introduce DAS for oversea country based on our long-term experience. Major points are as follows. 1. DAS using only . local equipment (Vacuum Switch (VS)/ Fault Detecting Relay (FDR)) (1) Comparison between recloser and VS/FDR (2) Recommendation system combined recloser and VS/FDR. 2. DAS using VS/ FDR on under ground line. (1) Application of between existing manual Ring Main Switches (RMS). 3. DAS using computer (1)Display of distribution network with mapping system (2) Automatic power supply (3)Underground DAS using automatic Ring Main Switch (RMS) 4. Communication system for DAS (1) Comparison among radio, twisted pair cable and optical fiber (2) Optical fiber communication system We also introduce DAS in future with new technology such as TCP/IP network, internet.