Cognitively diagnostic assessment
Contents: Preface. S.F. Chipman, P.D. Nichols, R.L. Brennan, Introduction. A.T. Corbett, J.R. Anderson, A.T. O'Brien, Student Modeling in the ACT Programming Tutor. R.J. Mislevy, Probability-Based Inference in Cognitive Diagnosis. D.H. Gitomer, L.S. Steinberg, R.J. Mislevy, Diagnostic Assessment of Troubleshooting Skill in an Intelligent Tutoring System. K.L. Draney, P. Pirolli, M. Wilson, A Measurement Model for a Complex Cognitive Skill. T.A. Polk, K. VanLehn, D. Kalp, ASPM2: Progress Toward the Analysis of Symbolic Parameter Models. J. Martin, K. VanLehn, A Bayesian Approach to Cognitive Assessment. G. Biswas, S.R. Goldman, D. Fisher, B. Bhuva, G. Glewwe, Assessing Design Activity in Complex CMOS Circuit Design. D. DuBois, V.L. Shalin, Adapting Cognitive Methods to Real-World Objectives: An Application to Job Knowledge Testing. P.J. Johnson, T.E. Goldsmith, K.W. Teague, Similarity, Structure, and Knowledge: A Representational Approach to Assessment. B.K. Britton, P. Tidwell, Cognitive Structure Testing: A Computer System for Diagnosis of Expert-Novice Differences. M. Naveh-Benjamin, Y-G. Lin, W.J. McKeachie, Inferring Students' Cognitive Structures and Their Development Using the "Fill-in-the-Structure" (FITS) Technique. J.E. Corter, Using Clustering Methods to Explore the Structure of Diagnostic Tests. K.K. Tatsuoka, Architecture of Knowledge Structures and Cognitive Diagnosis: A Statistical Pattern Recognition and Classification Approach. L.V. DiBello, W.F. Stout, L.A. Roussos, Unified Cognitive/Psychometric Diagnostic Assessment Likelihood-Based Classification Techniques. F. Samejima, A Cognitive Diagnosis Method Using Latent Trait Models: Competency Space Approach and Its Relationship With DiBello and Stout's Unified Cognitive-Psychometric Diagnosis Model. E. Hunt, Where and When to Represent Students This Way and That Way: An Evaluation of Approaches to Diagnostic Assessment. S.P. Marshall, Some Suggestions for Alternative Assessments.