Time-dependent changes in dough color in hexaploid wheat landraces differing in polyphenol oxidase activity.
Time-dependent changes in the color of noodle sheets (using 2% NaCl or 1% alkaline salts in the formulation) made from 43 Iranian hexaploid wheat landrace accessions were measured. Pekar slick tests in water and in alkaline conditions were also carried out. A wide variation in color characteristics of the landraces was found, with L values of salted noodle sheets at 2 h ranging from 80.9 to 89.2 and b values of alkaline noodle sheets at 2 h ranging from 19.1 to 27.4, showing potential application in noodle wheat improvement programs. For initial rapid screening of samples it was observed that a single reading of the dough sheet after 2 h was adequate. The dough sheets should be kept at 5 degrees C during storage, to prevent microbiological activity in the dough, which would give erroneous results. The Pekar slick test results were not highly correlated to color measurements on the dough, so this test is not recommended for screening for noodle color potential in landraces.