Synthesis and structural characterisation of the dianion [Co9(C2)(CO)19]2– as its tetramethylammonium salt

The dianion [Co9(C2)(CO)19]2– 1 ([NMe4]+ salt) has been obtained by pyrolysis of [NMe4][Co6C(CO)14] in diglyme (2,5,8-trioxanonane) at 130 °C, and, as the parent compound, is paramagnetic. The salt [NMe4]2[Co9(C2)(CO)19] has been characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The Co9(C2) core of the anion can be described as a D3h tricapped trigonal prism of Co atoms with stretched interbasal edges encapsulating an acetylide C2 unit [C–C 1.39(2) A]. Nine CO ligands are linearly bonded, one per metal atom, six are edge bridging and four semibridging. The overall molecular symmetry is C2v or, more accurately, C2.