Soft Water Tank Level Monitoring System Using Ultrasonic HC-SR04 Sensor Based On ATMega 328 Microcontroller

In this paper, a configured monitoring system was discussed based on ATMega 328 microcontroller to replace previous sensor used in beverage industries nammely level stick sensor. Sensor HC-SR04 configured as a water level detector on the soft water tank and ATMega 328 microcontroller as controller that functions as a data processor, as well as displays and interfacing systems to display all measurement data of water level on soft water tanks. The soft water level monitoring system was used as a water controller using two valves with different funtion in soft water tanks level monitoring sytem. When the sensor reads the level in the range 0% – 15% the live alarm tells the operator that the tank is at a low level, then valve 1 opens pump1 on and valve 2 closes pump 2 off and the soft water tank is filled. When the sensor reads level higher than 70%, the valve 2 then opens pump on and soft water was transferred for production. If the sensor reads the level at position more than 95% then the alarm is active and valve 1 pump 1 off.