GSI will upgrade the control system in the near future and is therefore examining new technologies, such as the possibility to use CORBA middleware and Java on the client level. GSI has implemented UFC, the interface to the device server level, primarily on the OpenVMS operating system. For other platforms, a subset of UFC is available by a thin server t h a t r u n s o n a n O p e n V M S machine. Based on the Java interface to this server a proof-of-principle integration of Abeans and UFC libraries was demonstrated – the UFC Abeans plug. Abeans is a library that provides simple Java beans for connection with the control system. At the same time, it provides several useful services: logging, exception handling, configuration and data resource loaders, authentication, and policy management. In this article we will describe the details of the upgrade to Abeans and discuss possible further steps, including migration to a CORBA based middle layer, the Advanced Control System (ACS). ACS is a platform independent control system nucleus for writing servers based on an objectoriented model of distributed devices. Like Abeans, ACS hides all details of the underlying mechanisms, which use many complex features of CORBA, queuing, asynchronous communication, thread pooling, life-cycle management, etc.