(single column, ranged left) Journal title and acronym Critique (rCSO) Trim size B5 Catchline bottom of page 1, ranged left Running heads (verso) A. N. Other and J. Smith or A. N. Other et al. (recto) Journal Title position left and right of pages Logo Routledge position top right Article type (when needed) RESEARCH ARTICLE bold caps, ranged left Title Bold, Caps for all Main Words: Caps After Colon ranged left Authors An Author and Another Author ranged left Affiliation Not given Received dates Not given Abstract (No heading, no indent). Abstract text is all italic. Displayed quotations Indented, smaller font. Displayed quote ends with full point. Footnote indicator follows Lists (1) for numbered lists Bullets if wanted Equations Cited as Equation 1 Centred A + b + c + d = x 2 (1) Acknowledgements To go at end of article, before Notes Footnotes Indicator in text. 1 [number appears after punctuation] Footnotes have short rule above. Notes on contributors Separate section at the end of the issue Notes on Contributors (A heading) John Smith is a professor at Blah University .<> Line space