Proceedings of the 3rd Dubrovnik Conference : Dubrovnik, Croatia : 5-10 June 2005
Sustainability Science: Sustainability and Safety Evaluation of Energy System (N H Afgan & M G Carvalho) Sustainable Technology Trends (D Marinova) Energy Policy and Planning: Towards a Sustainable Transportation Energy Supply (R L Evans) Biodegradable Plastic Substitute from Bamboo (O Yamashita) New Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency: Hydrogen for Sustainable Development (F Barbir) An Energy Integration Tool for Batch Processes (A C Pires) Energy Cogeneration: First Micro Combined Heat and Power System in a Swimming Pool in Portugal: Techno-Economical Evaluation and Policy Framework (E Monteiro & N A Moreira) Analytical Prediction of Spread Scenarios for Small Scale CHP Systems (E Cardona et al.) Water Management: The Water Framework Directive and Mediterranean Agriculture (J Albiac & M Mema) Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Technology: A Promise for the Future (S K Gupta) Water Desalination and Treatment: Multi-Effect Boiling System MEB: An Energy Viewpoint (M A Darwish) Desalination as a Sustainable Source of Fresh Water Provision? (L Serra et al.) Environment Assessment and Evaluation: Corporate Attitudes to Environmental and Sustainable Technology Strategies (M Gollagher & D Marinova) Regulating Animal Manure to Reduce Pollution and Ensure Sustainable Practices (T Centner) Environment Management: Environmental Sustainability Measured through Social and Environmental Responsibility (M Sarmento et al.) Phytoremediation New Technology for Sustainable Development (M Vlajkovic & B Blagojevic) and other papers.