Dendritic spines only connect

Reading list I AppeL S. H. and Bornstein. M. B. (1964)J. L~rp. Med. 119,305-312 2 Arnon, R. and Teitelbaum, D. (1980) in The Suppression of" Experimental A[terglk" EncephaA omyelitis and Multiple Sclerosis, pp. 105-117. Academic Press. London 3 Bornstein. M. B. (1963) NCI Monogr. 11, 197-214 4 Bornstein, M, B. (1973) in Tis'sue Culture Methods and Applications, pp. 86-92, Academic Press, New York 5 Bornstein, M. B. (1978) in Physiology and Pathobiology of Axons-, pp. 313-336, Raven Press. New York 6 Bornstein, M. B. and Crain, S. M. (1965)Science, 122, 28(t-286 7 Bornstein, M. B., Miller, A. 1., Teitelbaum, D., Arnon, R. and Sela, M. (1981) Tram, Am. NeuroL Assoc. (in press);Ann. Neuro/. (in press) 8 Bornstein. M. B. and Raine, C. S. (19771 Neuropathol. A ppl. Neurobiol. 3,359-367 9 Cerf. J. and Carels, G. (1966) Science. 152. 1 (166-1068 i0 Crain, S. M. (1976)Neurophysiologic Studies in Tissue Culture, Raven Press, New York 11 Crain, S. M. and Bornstein. M. B. (19641 Exp. Neurot. 10,425~-50 12 Crain, S. M., Bornstein, M. B. and Lennon, V. A. (19751 Exp. Neurol. 49, 300.-335 13 Crain. S. M. and Peterson. E. R. (1964) J. Cell ('omp. Physiol. 64, I 13 14 ('rain, S. M., Pelerson E. R. and Bornstein, M. B. (1968) in Ciba Symposium on Growth of the Nervous System, p. 13, Churchill, London 15 Dial M., Bornstein, M. B. and Raine. C. S. (1978) Brain Res. 154, 231-239 16 Dreyfus. C. F., Gershon. M. D. and Crain. S. M. (1079) Brain Re.s. 16 I, 431-445 17 Grundke-lqbal, 1. and Bornstein. M. B. (19791 Brain Res. 160,489-503 18 Grundke-lqbal. I. and Bornstein, M. B. (1980) NeurohNy. 30. 749-754 "FINS Septemher 1981