The Study to Reorganize the Course of Basic Nursing Science in a College of Nursing

Purpose: This study was conducted to reorganize the course of basic nursing science (BNS). Methods: The curriculums of 10 leading nursing colleges (domestic and abroad) were analyzed. And a survey was performed on 178 nursing students to identify the perceived level of knowledge, clinical application, the adequacy of class hours and further improvements for the course of BNS. Results: The various levels of credits and percentage were found in the curriculums of other nursing colleges (12-18 credits and 8.6, 13.6%, respectively). The perceived levels of knowledge, clinical application were directly proportional to the adequacy of class hours, and students suggested the increment of class hours and indepth study. Based on these results, the course of BNS was reorganized as follows: 1) The course of BNS was divided into 2 courses (BNS 1, 2) and total credits were increased to 5 credits. 2) The BNS 1 course was focused on basic concepts to understand human anatomy and physiology. And BNS 2 consisted of detailed structures and functions of human body system. 3) 12 Quizzes were added. Conclusion: The efforts to reorganize the curriculum of BNS might strengthen nursing students’ ability to understand nursing phenomena, help student with academic performance and clinical training.