Objective: Nasogastric tube insertion is often difficult, due to a variety of reasons, e.g. skewed laryngeal anatomy. We present a previously unreported method of facilitating nasogastric tube insertion, using a flexible nasendoscope. Method: The nasogastric tube is anchored to a flexible nasendoscope using sodium alginate dressing ties. The nasendoscope is then passed into the upper oesophagus, along with the nasogastric tube. Once the nasogastric tube has passed the cricopharyngeus, gentle traction on the nasendoscope releases it from the nasogastric tube. The nasendoscope can then be withdrawn. A previous safety study of sodium alginate ingestion showed no adverse effects. Conclusion: This method enables nasogastric tube insertion under direct vision, and allows the tube to be guided past the larynx and into the upper oesophagus.
P. Jani,et al.
Nasogastric tube insertion in difficult cases with the aid of a flexible nasendoscope.
Journal of Laryngology and Otology.
D. Ingrams,et al.
A new solution for problematic nasogastric tube insertions
Clinical otolaryngology : official journal of ENT-UK ; official journal of Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Cervico-Facial Surgery.
A. Karkanevatos,et al.
Nasogastric tube insertion using flexible fibreoptic nasoendoscope.
Hospital medicine.
D. Anderson,et al.
Dietary effects of sodium alginate in humans.
Food additives and contaminants.