Seasonal incidence, infestation and Trap catches of Cnaphalocrocis mendinalis (Guenee) in Rice

The adults of leaf folder light trapped 5 adults during 26th SW and reached its maximum (45 adults) in 33rd SW. Correlation coefficient between weather parameters and light trap catches revealed that only mean R.H. (r = 0.793) and minimum temperature (r = 0.513) had a significant positive effect on light trap catch of adults. In general, weather factors had 68.2% influence on light trap catch during the study period. Incidence of larvae on rice leaves commenced in 27th SW with 0.33 larvae/10 hills and reached its maximum (19 larvae/10 hills) in 36th SW. Correlation coefficients between weather parameters and build up of larval population did not show any significant effect. But, weather factors had 50.0% effect on larval population. Infested leaves (0.3%/10 hills) were observed in the field from 27th SW and reached its maximum (5.3%/10 hills) during 37th SW. Correlation studies revealed that weather factors had no significant influence on leaf infestation however, resulted in 57.2% influence on leaf infestation.