A Descriptive Study to assess the Knowledge of Primary School Teachers Regarding Learning Disabilities among Children in Selected Schools of District Gurdaspur, Punjab with a view to Develop Self Instructional Module

Background of the study: Learning disabilities are not a single disorder, but include disabilities in any of the components that include: reading disabilities (dyslexia), writing disabilities (dysgraphia) and mathematical disabilities (dyscalculia). In India, the estimate prevalence of learning disabilities range from 9-39% and the incidence of dyslexia in primary school children has been reported 2-18%, dysgraphia 14% and dyscalculia 5.5%. Teachers play a vital role in identification and management of learning disabilities. Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to assess the knowledge of primary school teachers regarding learning disabilities among children. Material and Methods: Non-experimental research approach and a descriptive research design were considered appropriate for the study to assess the knowledge of primary school teachers regarding learning disabilities among children. The sample size of 40 primary school teachers was selected using non-probability convenient sampling technique from selected schools of District Gurdaspur, Punjab. Data was collected using self- structured questionnaire. Self- instructional module regarding learning disabilities was given to the primary school teachers. Results: The study results depict that the maximum of primary school teachers had average knowledge i.e. 80% followed by good i.e. 15% and below average i.e. 5%. The mean and SD of total score is 16.1 and 4.37. Educational status had significant association with the knowledge regarding learning of primary school teachers regarding learning disabilities among children whereas all other variables (age, gender, religion, teaching experience, area of school and source of knowledge) don’t have any significant association with knowledge of primary school teachers regarding learning disabilities among children as statistically analysed by chi square at 0.05 level of significance. Conclusion: This study concluded that the majority of primary school teachers had average knowledge regarding learning disabilities among children. disabilities i.e. 80% followed by good i.e. 15% and below average i.e. 5%. The mean and SD of total score is 16.1 and 4.37