Positionsbaserad och hastighetsbaseradrobotstyrning med Kinect a handkontroll

Robots are becoming more and more complex and are used in more and more situations. Thus creating tougher requirementsof the control of robots in order to as certain that the robots are effectively utilized. The aim of this report is to compare position and velocity based controltechniques against each other. This is done in order to seeif any of them are more effective than the other as a controltechnique for executing a set of tasks with a specific simulatedrobot that is controlled by either a Microsoft Xbox360Kinect or a Microsoft Xbox360 gamepad. The results from the user tests concluded that each technique was superior to the other on the tasks that were specifically designed for that control technique. The respective control techniquesdid however perform better than expected when used on the tasks that they were not designed for and therefore arestill viable options if the implementation is done more thorough