The European regulations for specimen fabrication prior to performance testing of asphalt mixtures

For fundamental performance testing of asphalt mixtures, specimens have to be produced from an asphalt mixture that is compacted in laboratory. For this purpose, different laboratory compaction methods are available today, which are based on the effects of impact, kneading or rolling action and/or vibration. It is well known that the method used for compaction considerably influences the properties of the specimen, and in turn, the specimen properties significantly influence the outcome of fundamental asphalt mix testing. The choice of compaction method is therefore of utmost importance. Hence, there is general consensus among experts that high priority must be given to the harmonisation of laboratory methods for the production of specimens prior to mix testing. Asphalt mix requirements must not be specified independently from the detailed compaction requirements. In Europe, a harmonised quality assurance system for asphalt mix properties was established recently. In order to guarantee its practicability, also a harmonised approach for the fabrication of specimens for fundamental testing becomes indispensable. In this paper, an overview is given on how standardisation of specimen production has progressed in Europe so far, and the need for further harmonisation is pointed out from a European point of view.