PERSO-Retailer: Toward a Web Content Management System Based on a Personalized Marketing Recommender System for Retailers

The growing incidence of web 2.0 challenges the traditional offline retailers to create a new method of shopping and new usage of consuming goods and services through a virtual shopping space over electronic store. A new contextual framework of customer and retailers relationship emerges through the aggregation and collaborative-shared opinion on the personal preferences about goods in the Web. While the benefits of building dynamic content into an e-commerce site are profound, the personalized access benefits are perhaps even bigger. Today more than ever, it is widely assumed that getting the relevant information at the right time, when it becomes available are the crucial issues and the main strategic challenges for improving the business prots. In this paper, we present an overview of PERSO- Retailer, a new research track, that aims to address the challenge of the growing competitive evolution of the marketplace and the access to the relevant resources at the right time, in the context of web 2.0. PERSO-Retailer is an innovative web-based framework for personalized online shopping experiences. Where the most of the recommendation system focus only in the final consumer side, our approach propose to tailor the recommendation by taking into account both the consumer as well as the retailer business profile. For that, our approach combines the contextualization and socialization of the user online experiences with the social merchandizing strategies of retailer. We propose novel frameworks that represent all the shopping dimensions of user, as well as the retailers business profile. In this perspective, the main advantage of our approach is to merge a new dimensions of retailer business selling strategies, the social merchandizing to the traditional online personalized recommendation system using multidimensional profile models for the consumer, the retailer and marketing plan for personalized selling strategies.