Thermal Effects of Urban Canyon Structure on the Nocturnal Heat Island: Numerical Experiment Using a Mesoscale Model Coupled with an Urban Canopy Model

Abstract A single-layer urban canopy model is incorporated into a simple two-dimensional atmospheric model in order to examine the individual impacts of anthropogenic heating, a large heat capacity, and a small sky-view factor on mesoscale heat island formation. It is confirmed that a nocturnal heat island on a clear, calm summer day results from the difference in atmospheric stability between a city and its surroundings. The difference is caused by anthropogenic heating and the following two effects of urban canyon structure: (i) a larger heat capacity due to the walls and (ii) a smaller sky-view factor. Sensitivity experiments show that the anthropogenic heating increases the surface air temperature though the day. (This factor strongly affects the nocturnal temperature, and the maximum increase of 0.67°C occurs at 0500 LST.) The larger heat capacity due to the walls decreases the daytime temperature and increases the nocturnal temperature. (The maximum increase of 0.39°C occurs at 0600 LST.) The smalle...

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