Measuring educational outcomes for ABET accreditation of the undergraduate acoustical engineering programs at the University of Hartford
Located in West Hartford, CT, USA, the University of Hartford has two ABET-accredited acoustical engineering programs: the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) with Acoustics Concentration and a unique interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a major in Acoustical Engineering & Music. The national Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology accreditation process requires that an institution identify and provide evidence of Program Educational Objectives, Student Outcomes, Required Curricular Components, Relevant Facilities, Faculty Expertise, and Methods of Continuous Improvement. The differences and key points of these criteria will be discussed, along the manner by which each are measured. The results of a recent ABET accreditation visit will be described.Located in West Hartford, CT, USA, the University of Hartford has two ABET-accredited acoustical engineering programs: the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) with Acoustics Concentration and a unique interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a major in Acoustical Engineering & Music. The national Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology accreditation process requires that an institution identify and provide evidence of Program Educational Objectives, Student Outcomes, Required Curricular Components, Relevant Facilities, Faculty Expertise, and Methods of Continuous Improvement. The differences and key points of these criteria will be discussed, along the manner by which each are measured. The results of a recent ABET accreditation visit will be described.