Data-Driven Maps of Art History

Many approaches to explain conceptions of developments in the arts to both peers and a more generalaudienceincludeddiagramsrepresentingnetworksofrelatedentitiessuchasgenealogiesof importanthistoricalactorsorstyles.Whilesuchvisualizationsweretraditionallycreatedbyhand, therecentemergenceofextensivedigitalrepositoriesofarthistoryinformationenablenewmeans ofpresentation.Thisworkseekstoexplorethepotentialofopenlyavailabledatasourcestocreate bottom-up,datadrivenversionsofsuchnetworkmapsofarthistory.Ithighlightscommonalities anddifferencesbetweenviewsderivedfrominstitutionalandcrowd-sourceddatarepositoriesand comparesthemwithidentifiedhistoricalexamples.Theresultssuggestthattheavailabledatacanbe usedtocreatelargescaleviewsonspecificdevelopmentsinarthistory,potentiallyservingasaidfor navigatingvastonlinecollectionsofdigitizedartworksbutalsoasmeansofreflectionontheorigin ofthedatasourcesthemselves. KeywoRDS Art Styles, Biographies, Core-Periphery, Data Analytics, DBpedia, Genealogy, Network Visualization, ULAN, Wikidata, Wikipedia

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