Quasilinearization and the calculation of eigenvalues

522 C o m m u n i c a t i o n s o f t h e AC~[ The minimum v:tlue o[ .~d(i) is zero, and ~his i.~ ati:ained xvhe~ k = k : , M, , and for ~o o:her vah::~. To solve this problem an :iterat.ive schcn,e we.ll .~uit{,~,l {'or digital computat ion is used. Ig is assumed that: et good i::iLia[ cstima.te of the desired eigenv,'due is avai.labie. This might be obtaincd ihrough use of the l layleigh-l l i tz method (,:' by a method explained below. Call the initial estimate of the cigenva.lue k ° and de~ernfine a corres~pondin.~ eigenfunciion as ihe solution of ih(~ initial value problem