information between basic and applied researchers in benthic science. Articles in this series willfocus on topical research areas and linkages between basic and applied aspects of research, monitoring, policy, and education. Readers with ideas for topics should contact Associate Editors Nick Aumen and Marty Gurtz. This issue of BRIDGESfocuses on subsampling of invertebrate assemblages during basic research or biological monitoring. The issue is unusual in that it developed from a paper submitted as a regular article by an author (Courtemanch) who agreed to have his article appear in BRIDGES along with papers presenting contrasting views. Open discussion of topics that are of interest to both basic and applied benthic scientists is what this section of the journal is all about. Courtemanch leads off with concern that fixed-count processing of samples "lacks ecologically interpretive value" for certain metrics, because the proportion of the community sampled is not known, and questions the
Estimating the Total Number of Species in a Biological Community
R. Macarthur.
Fluctuations of Animal Populations and a Measure of Community Stability
S. Hurlbert.
The Nonconcept of Species Diversity: A Critique and Alternative Parameters.
J. Richardson.
The Canonical Distribution.
V. Resh,et al.
Variability in Macroinvertebrate Rapid-Bioassessment Surveys and Habitat Assessments in a Northern California Stream
Journal of the North American Benthological Society.
D. M. Rosenberg,et al.
Freshwater biomonitoring and benthic macroinvertebrates.
F. W. Preston.
The Canonical Distribution of Commonness and Rarity: Part I
J. Karr.
Assessment of Biotic Integrity Using Fish Communities