Poster: WebMaDa 2.0 - Automated Handling of User Requests

Today users want to monitor their networks remotely and adjust privileges immediately. Addressing the first request is not a big problem anymore, because many applications offer such solutions by default (e.g., via a special app to be installed or a browser-based solution). The immediate privilege handling is the challenge nowadays, because usually a global administrator in the background needs to be included in the workflow. This is required, because he is the only person who has the full overview of the tool the network is included. In general this is a nice idea, but introduces delays to the privilege management depending of the number of networks linked to the system, in total. WebMaDa 2.0 overcomes this bottleneck by introducing an automated request handling solution to a webbased framework for monitoring sensor networks remotely as well as supporting privacy and immediate handling of privilege

[1]  Burkhard Stiller,et al.  Pull support for IoT applications using mobile access framework WebMaDa , 2016, 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT).