Modelling and Simulation of Power Generation Plants

1 CC and CHP Systems: An Introduction.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 Power Plants with Steam Turbines.- 1.3 Power Plants with Gas Turbines.- 1.4 Combined Heat and Power Configurations.- 1.4.1 CHP Configuration with a Steam Turbine.- 1.4.2 CHP Configuration with a Gas Turbine.- 1.5 Combined Cycle Configurations.- 1.6 The Main Components of Power Plant.- 1.6.1 Steam Turbine.- 1.6.2 Boiler.- 1.6.3 Gas Turbine.- 1.6.4 Condenser.- 1.6.5 Feedwater System.- 1.6.6 Miscellaneous Components.- 1.7 Operational Procedures.- 1.7.1 Operational Regimes.- 1.7.2 Main Control Loops.- 1.7.3 Safety Conditions.- 1.8 Block Diagrams for CC and CHP Schemes.- 1.8.1 CHP installation with Steam Turbine.- 1.8.2 CHP installation with Gas Turbine (or Diesel Engine).- 1.8.3 CHP installation with CC Process.- 1.8.4 A Component Based Block Diagram.- 1.8.5 Conclusion.- 1.9 Case Study: Skegton Unit.- 1.9.1 Introduction.- 1.9.2 Block Diagrams.- 1.10 Conclusions.- 1.11 References for the Chapter.- 2 Power Generation Plant Control.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 Some Technological Background.- 2.2.1 DCS Architectures.- 2.2.2 DCS Technology.- 2.2.3 Technological Implications and Potential.- 2.3 Power Generation Plant Control.- 2.3.1 Task of Low Level Controllers.- 2.3.2 Process Variable Constraints.- 2.3.3 Top Level Control Considerations.- 2.4 Control of Skegton Unit.- 2.4.1 The Main Control Problems.- 2.4.2 Local Control Loops.- 2.5 Supervisory Control Problems Summarised.- 2.5.1 Load Management Strategies.- 2.5.2 Performance Optimization.- 2.5.3 Dynamic Set-Point Manoeuvres.- 2.5.4 Low Level Control Structures.- 2.5.5 Conclusions.- 2.6 Chapter Conclusions.- 2.7 References for the Chapter.- 3 Simulation Tools.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 Engineering System Types.- 3.2.1 Discrete System Simulation.- 3.2.2 Process Control Systems.- 3.2.3 General Dynamical Systems.- 3.3 Dynamic System Simulation Tools: A Review.- 3.3.1 Icon Based Simulation.- 3.3.2 Simulation Tools: A Short Survey.- 3.4 An Assessment Exercise.- 3.4.1 The Assessment Basis.- 3.4.2 A Simple Boiler Model Test Case.- 3.4.3 The Assessment Results.- 3.5 Conclusions.- 3.6 References for the Chapter.- 3.7 Software Suppliers.- 4 Process Models.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 State Space Modelling.- 4.3 Skegton Unit Component Models.- 4.3.1 Boiler.- 4.3.2 Gas Turbine.- 4.3.3 Steam Turbine.- 4.3.4 Condenser.- 4.3.5 Feedwater System.- 4.3.6 Electrical Generator.- 4.3.7 Gas Merge and Split.- 4.4 Controller Descriptions.- 4.4.1 Introduction.- 4.4.2 Criteria Applied to Eliminate Low Level Control Loops.- 4.4.3 Boiler Control Configuration.- 4.4.4 Gas Turbine Control Configuration.- 4.4.5 Steam Turbine Control Configuration.- 4.4.6 Condenser Control Configuration.- 4.4.7 Feedwater System Control Configuration.- 4.5 Conclusions.- 4.6 References for the Chapter.- 5 Simulation Studies.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 Module Library Description.- 5.2.1 The Boiler.- 5.2.2 The Gas Turbine.- 5.2.3 The Steam Turbine.- 5.2.4 The Condenser.- 5.2.5 The Feedwater System.- 5.2.6 The Electrical Generator.- 5.2.7 Gas Merge and Splitting Process.- 5.2.8 The Valve (Gas).- 5.3 Skegton Unit Simulation Results.- 5.3.1 Introduction.- 5.3.2 Skegton Unit Sizing Data.- 5.3.3 Skegton Unit Simulation Data.- 5.3.4 Skegton Unit Dynamic Response Tests.- 5.3.5 An Example of Using MATRIXx to Determine a Static Model.- 5.3.6 Selected Frequency Responses for Sketon Unit - Bode Diagrams.- 5.4 Conclusions.- 5.5 References for the Chapter.- 6 Conclusions.- 6.1 Summary Conclusions.- 6.2 The Future Research Directions.- Appendix 1 Skegton Unit Simulation Data.- Appendix 2 Polynomial Representation for Saturated Steam and Water Conditions.